Free SEO tools with google app script

Free SEO Tools on Google Sheets with Google App Script

Google Sheets have many restrictions, quota limits however they can still be helpful in daily SEO tasks especially if you have a small website or else if you want to check SEO data quickly on small number of URLs.

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1 million #SEO tweets

1 Million Unique #SEO Tweets

I have collected 1 Million unique tweets with the hashtag SEO, actually more than 1 Million, precisily 1 111 035  tweets.

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SEO, six blind men & an elephant


Search Engine Optimization (abbreviated as SEO), is a very young profession. SEO is born around the 1990’s with the first search engine Archie, after the emergence of Google in 1998 she was no more a baby girl. In 2001 when PageRank is revealed to the world through the toolbar, she was a famous teenager. Today, SEO is a 27 years old young adult celebrity  trying to figure out what machine learning is.

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Technical SEO log analysis

Technical SEO Log Analysis On Linux

Web Server Logs Analysis is the essential part of Technical Search Engine Optimization. Without analyzing the valuable data in log files any Technical SEO Audit will be incomplete. It is the only place where you can get accurate information about how search engine bots are crawling your website and on which pages of your site they are sending search engine users.

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Tags: LINUX  

3 ways for free https

How to Get Free HTTPS?

HTTPS is the future of the Internet, a modern website has no other chance than being encrypted. On the other hand even with the most affordable prices of a TLS certificate, if you have several websites the total amount at the end could be very costly.

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Tags: HTTPS  

Crawl dictionary

Crawl-first SEO

Crawl-first SEO is a methodology for SEO auditing of websites which priviliges crawl data analysis. You can learn more about this methodology from the slides at this URL: Crawl-first SEO

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Https on top sites


HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (abbreviated as HTTPS) is a mechanism that allows a web browser or app to securely connect with a websiteThe main objective of HTTPS is to authenticate the visited website and protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.

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SEO web server log files

Web Server Logs, SEO and Science

When you talk with SEO consultants or in general with people about SEO, you often hear them saying "SEO is not an exact science" ,"Search engines are driven by algorithms which are updated constantly, it is impossible to follow them" , "Nobody can fully understand how google works even the engineers who are working on it". I could agree with all  those statements only if the web server logs do not exist.

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Hsts on

Is really on HSTS ?

Google announced bringing  HTTP Strict Transport Security (abbreviated as HSTS) to HSTS is a web security policy mechanism which allows a web server to enforce the use of HTTPS in a compliant User Agent (UA), such as a web browser. It lets a website tell web browsers that it should only be communicated with using HTTPS instead of using HTTP.

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Tags: HTTPS  

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